Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life is Wonderful!

I know it has been forever since I have updated and I knew this would happen! My life as simple as it seems has been insanely busy this May. May 1-3 Jimmy and I were in Bastrop, Texas with work for a meeting/conference. We stayed at the Hyatt Heights in Bastrop and it was absolutely gorgeous! I will have to agree with people and say that Austin really is beautiful. Jimmy and I will definitely be going back there one day to have a nice weekend. There is so much to do at the resort...swim, golf, horseback riding, canoe, fish, raft, spa, ect. I was sad we didn't get to spend more time there, but that's the reason Jimmy and I want to go back one day.

The next weekend was Mothers Day and I was sad that I couldn't make it down to Waco to see my Mom, but I sent her a book "The Last Lecture" and I am sure she will enjoy it! Love you Mom! Jimmy spent that week study for his investment test he took on Monday, which I am proud to say HE PASSED! and is now ready to be the investment King! Great Job Hubby!

This past weekend was the big welcome home party for Jimmy's brother Tommy. Tommy is in the Navy and he is home finally after being gone a year for a 4 week leave before he is sent over to Iraq for a year. It has been really great for Jimmy to be able to spend these past few weeks with him before he leaves. Here are some pictures from the party and pictures from the Astros game Jimmy went to with his brothers and Dad.

It was a great party and we had a lot of fun! We sure are going to miss Tommy when he leaves for Iraq, but know he will be back soon! and he is doing such an amazing thing for our country!

Now of course I cant leave without throwing in some pictures of my Lil sister. Her senior prom was this past weekend! Doesn't she look beautiful?!!

This weekend will be busy also! I am going to Waco for Erins Graduation Party on Saturday! I am excited! I cant believe she is about to Graduate from High School!!!